Why We Should Laugh

Why We Should Laugh

Laugher is one of the most human thing we can do. Very little is known about the actual mechanics behind it. Laughter releases tension, calms anxiety, boosts the immune system. Overall, laughter is really healthy for you!

What do we do when we don’t feel like laughing? Personally, I have been feeling unmotivated. I miss my friends. We usually have some pretty good laughs together. I feel this affecting my mood. We’ve been hearing bad news about friends losing jobs, loved ones becoming sick, and still not hearing much news of life changing. How do we laugh during times of stress? Let’s take a look at what the Bible says about laughter.

Did you know God laughs? Yes, it’s true. We see verses in the Bible mentioning God laughing. The word for this imagery is called, anthropomorphism. Anthropomorphism means we are describing God having human traits like laughter. David wrote about God laughing multiple times in the Psalms. When we see God laugh in the Bible it is to show those who are his children (at that time the Israelites, but can also apply to those of us who trust and follow Christ today) not to fear. 

Psalm 2 is a good example of this description of God. Psalm 2 says the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed… He (God) who sits in the heavens laugh.

Proverbs 17:22 is probably the most quoted verse about laughter. It says A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” This verse isn’t talking about a general laugh. It is talking about a joyful heart that comes from knowing God and being one of his children. 

Friend, we can laugh and have a joyful heart because we know God is in control. He knows what is going on! Children of God laugh, because God knows what He’s doing.

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Hannah Lynn Miller
Hannah Lynn Miller

Hannah is a radio/podcast host, blogger, and mental health therapist who loves Jesus and fashion. Her work revolves around betrayal trauma and the eldest daughter population.

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