Trying new things is my favorite!
Thank you to the team at Equilibria to allow me to try their product, which is new to me. I love their Softgels, Daily Drops, and relief cream. This company is committed to single-sourcing, hand harvested and cleanly extracting their product. Equilibria wants to help women balance life, reduce the intake of pain killers, and they created a company completely led by women for women. You know I cheer for that!
The founders are Coco Meets & Marcy Capron Vermillion. Coco found that the daily drops helped her with the pain of her autoimmune spine condition. Marcy is an engineer who struggles with chronic pain and major anxiety. The products helped her overcome both the physical and emotional pain she had been dealing with. Equilibria has helped both women personally and is a big reason they wanted to share the products with you!
This women led company is for women like you. That’s why I have a discount code for you. Go to Equilibria.com and use the discount code FULLCOLORBF for 20% off.
CBD is a natural ingredient found within industrial hemp flowers. It is clinically proven to impact mental and physical well-being, when taken properly and consistently. And yes, CBD is completely safe and legal in all 50 states. It is a powerful health agent, but there is no discernible impairment (no high!). As per FDA guidelines, Equilibria CBD is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or ailment.