This week we are talking about positive self-talk. Why it’s beneficial, some signs you are beating yourself up with the way you think about yourself, and how God’s truth doesn’t have to be different from your positive self-talk.
We are also going to share about how a psychological study proves that clothes can make you happy.
Because you are watching or listening to this episode please enjoy this free download of the PDF mentioned in this episode.
Don’t miss this episode of the UR COVERED podcast.
The UR Covered podcast is here for you. This is a time to hang out, talk about fashion, your mental health, and Jesus. Your host is Hannah Lynn Miller. She will encourage you to turn your narrative into knowing who you are, and understanding where your value comes from and what you believe. We will be exploring the connections between fashion, theology, and therapy. So basically we will cover all the things — most importantly that your identity is covered in what Jesus did on the cross for you.
So don’t miss out on anything.
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Hannah is not a licensed therapist so the advice on this podcast is not from a professional. Hannah is a student of Clinical Mental Health Counseling and am being supervised this year in an internship, but have not received my masters.
UR Covered Podcast is a production of Abundantly More Media
Telling Yourself God’s Truths as Positive Self-Talk
There was a season in my life where my confidence was very low. Speaking everyday for a living is very taxing. I didn’t realize everyday when I came home that I was telling myself how bad I was at my job. I wish I could give you Bible verses that talk about how you are amazing — but I want to give you something better.
See, God doesn’t expect you to be perfect. C’mon He knows every part of you. That’s what other people expect of you. So take a deep breath.
2 Corinthians 12:9 says,
9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
It was humbling coming home everyday and feeling like I was beating myself up with my thoughts.
I reminded myself that God created me intentionally, for a purpose, and to glorify Him at the end of the day {no matter what} — it’s ok that I have limitations and weaknesses. That’s where I started.
After that I wrote down the facts. “I had good things to say. God gave me a mind for a reason. I have people in my life who love me. I am safe. Things that I needed to remember for when my mind would go running.
If you need a reminder of God’s truths — start with the Grace that Christ gives us. That His power really is made perfect in weakness. Next, write down the facts about your situation. Somewhere you will remember it like a mirror or something and remember you are COVERED and I am Hannah Lynn Miller.
Fashion News – How Happiness is Not in the Jeans.
Many times we say we dress for the occasion but what if we dress for our mood?
What I am going to tell you will help you read others better. Understand the signals for what your friends are going through
A study conducted by Professor Karen Pine, co-author of “Flex: Do Something Different, found that what a woman chooses to wear is heavily dependent upon her emotional state.”*
One hundred women were asked what they wore when feeling depressed and more than half of them said jeans.
Interestingly, only a third would wear jeans when feeling happy.
In a low mood a woman is also much more likely to wear a baggy top; 57% of the women said they would wear a baggy top when depressed, yet a mere 2% would wear one when feeling happy.
Women also revealed they would be ten times more likely to put on a favorite dress when happy (62%) than when depressed (6%).
The psychologists conclude that the strong link between clothing and mood state suggests we should put on clothes that we associate with happiness, even when feeling low.
Professor Pine said: “This finding shows that clothing doesn’t just influence others, it reflects and influences the wearer’s mood too. Many of the women in this study felt they could alter their mood by changing what they wore. This demonstrates the psychological power of clothing and how the right choices could influence a person’s happiness.”
Accessories can make a difference too.
The study found that:
- Twice as many women said they would wear a hat when happy than when depressed.
- Five times as many women said they would wear their favorite shoes when happy (31%) than when depressed (6%).
The study found that ‘happy’ clothes — ones that made women feel good — were well-cut, figure enhancing, and made from bright and beautiful fabrics.
Professor Pine pointed out that these are exactly the features that jeans lack: “Jeans don’t look great on everyone.
They are often poorly cut and badly fitting.
Basically, jeans can signal that the wearer hasn’t bothered with their appearance.
People who are depressed often lose interest in how they look and don’t wish to stand out, so the correlation between depression and wearing jeans is understandable.
Most importantly, this research suggests that we can dress for happiness, but that might mean ditching the jeans.”
From Materials provided by University of Hertfordshire. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.
Positive Self-Talk
Let’s talk about positive self-talk. The messages you are telling yourself live in the unconscious part of your life.
I felt like I was failing every single day at tasks like school and my job.
Now, It wasn’t until marrying my husband that I realized this was the narrative I was telling myself. I remember him shaking his head and say almost in passing
“You are so hard on yourself”.
It was all from the conversation I was having with myself in my subconscious. I don’t know where this came from. Parents, past teachers, my 10 years of ballet dancing, co-workers… I don’t know but at the end of the day, it’s my brain, my thoughts, and my choice to change.
And the Bible is so clear that we need to capture every thought and make it align with truth.
The more I study our brains the more I am amazed at how flexible and changing our brains can be. Dr. Carolyn Leaf talks about this all the time. So our brains are the physical parts of our mind. And our mind are our thoughts, beliefs, and systems that guide and direct our lives. Both are able to change.
So, before you reach burn out can I please encourage you to jot down some thoughts when you feel anxious or just a little tired in the middle of the day.
What are you telling yourself? Where is that coming from? Now, write down what you want the narrative to be from this point forward.
From my own personal story I was amazed at how much confidence I could receive from just telling myself I was doing a great job. No one changed, my past didn’t change, what people said or didn’t say didn’t change — my thoughts changed. I was able to go from working a difficult job in radio to starting my own business with more motivation and avoiding getting burned out.
Although what you may be telling yourself is different from what I told myself, I hope this episode helped. Take some time to print out the list of scripture about having confidence in the Lord below.
Enter your email below to receive the PDF that is mentioned in this episode.
University of Hertfordshire. (2012, March 8). Happiness: it’s not in the jeans. ScienceDaily. Retrieved May 23, 2022 from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/03/120308062537.htm