If you have dealt with trauma in the past or are curious to learn more about tools to overcome trauma, you need to listen to this episode. This week I have the privilege of interviewing my big sis, Juni Felix. She will be sharing about soul care, tiny habits, and overcoming trauma. We are also going to talk about how fashion can be a tool in the healing process. Her most recent book from Navpress is called, “You are Worth the Work — Moving Forward from Trauma to Faith”. Juni has more than 17 years of radio experience and is the afternoon host on Moody Radio Chicago 90.1 FM.
I hope you enjoy!
Connect with Juni:
On the web: www.junifelix.com
On Instagram: www.instagram.com/juni_felix/
And to receive updates for her radio program on Moody Radio: www.instagram.com/middays_with_juni_felix
ANNOUNCEMENT! Before reading any further, can you make sure you are subscribed on iTunes, Youtube, and on Spotify. Also, leave a review and let me kno w what you think! This way we can start building a community around theology, therapy and fashion <3. I hope you join us! So take the time to like, subscribe and write a review. Thanks ahead of time!
The UR Covered podcast is here for you. This is a time to hang out, talk about fashion, your mental health, and Jesus. Your host is Hannah Lynn Miller. She will encourage you to turn your narrative into knowing who you are, and understanding where your value comes from and what you believe. We will be exploring the connections between fashion, theology, and therapy. So basically we will cover all the things — most importantly that your identity is covered in what Jesus did on the cross for you.
So don’t miss out on anything.
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