It’s another episode where John Miller, my hubby, joins us. In this episode we take a trip down memory lane and talk about some of the unique elements of our wedding. We are also going to talk about our favorite parts of pre-marriage counseling and what is important in a wedding. Get ready for some fun wedding photos since we will be celebrating our 4th wedding anniversary this week on the 22nd.
The UR Covered podcast is here for you. This is a time to hang out, talk about fashion, your mental health, and Jesus. Your host is Hannah Lynn Miller. She will encourage you to turn your narrative into knowing who you are, and understanding where your value comes from and what you believe. We will be exploring the connections between fashion, theology, and therapy. So basically we will cover all the things — most importantly that your identity is covered in what Jesus did on the cross for you.
So don’t miss out on anything.
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Hannah is not a licensed therapist so the advice on this podcast is not from a professional. Hannah is a student of Clinical Mental Health Counseling and am being supervised this year in an internship, but have not received my masters.
UR Covered Podcast is a production of Abundantly More Media