I found a fake Gucci purse once while thrifting. As I researched further, I found that it is actually really hard to spot a fake designer purse. There’s usually one change on the bag and is very similar to the real one. During Jesus’ life, he exposed the fakes. Those who said they followed God but were more concerned with looking good. There’s an entire chapter dedicated to Jesus exposes the Pharisees in Matthew 23.
Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, 2 “The teachers of religious law and the Pharisees are the official interpreters of the law of Moses.3 So practice and obey whatever they tell you, but don’t follow their example. For they don’t practice what they teach. 4 They crush people with unbearable religious demands and never lift a finger to ease the burden. “Everything they do is for show. On their arms they wear extra wide prayer boxes with Scripture verses inside, and they wear robes with extra long tassels. 6 And they love to sit at the head table at banquets and in the seats of honor in the synagogues. 7 They love to receive respectful greetings as they walk in the marketplaces, and to be called ‘Rabbi.’
Matthew 23:1-7
Jesus doesn’t like fakes and we shouldn’t either.
Fashion News – Walmart and a Textile Factory in the U.S.
You can read more about this news. I hope the company continues to create textiles here in the United States where there are garment working laws. Read the full article here:
Opening your Head, Heart and Gut Mindfulness Exercise from Marcia Reynolds, PsyD
Transformational Leadership Coaching and Training
Visualization for Opening Your Head, Heart, and Gut
- Sit in chair and become a witness to your body. Close your eyes or shift your gaze downward. Notice how your body feels. Shift your position to feel comfortable while sitting upright.
- Feel where your body is making contact with the chair. Feel where you have placed your feet.
- Notice your emotional state. Do you feel sad? Calm? Tired? Impatient? Whatever you feel, see if you can relax and release it so you become open to the process you are about to step into.
- Focus on your breathing. Feel the movement of your body up and down as your breath moves in and out. Feel the temperature of the air as you inhale it into your body. Let your body relax as the air flows out. If you notice specific spots of tension relating to your emotions, breathe into these spots. As you breathe out, let the tension flow out of your body.
- Bring your awareness into your brain. Picture an elevator sitting in the center of your mind. The door is open. Allow your thoughts, judgments, and opinions to float into the empty elevator. When they are safely inside, see the door close, leaving your mind free of thoughts. Say the word “curious” to yourself. Breathe in and feel curiosity open your mind. (If you are doing this visualization as a part of a listening exercise, ask the listeners to open their eyes and look at the talker, staying curious and open but not talking. The talker will share a dilemma they are facing for one minute. At the end of the minute, stop the interaction and ask the listeners to write one question that emerged from their curious, open mind while listening.)
- Return to the elevator in your mind. The door is still closed. Watch the elevator float slowly down your body, through your neck, into your chest, and see it settle in the spot next to your heart. Recall someone or a pet you deeply care about. Or maybe it’s a special place you go to that opens your heart. As the elevator door opens, see the person, pet, or place that fills you with gratitude, happiness, or love. Take a deep breath in, say the word you feel, such as “love,” “happy,” or “grateful.” Feel your heart expand. (For the listening exercise, ask the listeners to open their eyes, ask the question they wrote when listening with their brain, but listen to the response with an open heart for one minute. At the end of the minute, stop the interaction and ask the listeners to write one observation and one question that emerged from listening with an open heart.)
- Return to the elevator next to your heart. Say goodbye to the person, pet, or place as the door closes. The elevator floats slowly down your body, down your center, and comes to rest at the spot just below your navel. There is a warm glow coming from the elevator door. When the door opens, there is nothing inside but the warm glow. Feel the warmth of this glow. Recall a time you felt gutsy and determined – a time you spoke up or did something in spite of your fear. Remember how you felt as you took action or spoke your mind. As you inhale, say the word “courage” to yourself. Let the word settle into the center of your body before you exhale. Keep breathing with your mind on your center, you point of strength. (For the listening exercise, ask the listeners to open their eyes, share the observation and question they wrote when listening with their heart, but listen to the response with an open gut for one minute. At the end of the minute, stop the interaction and ask the listeners to share one observation and one question that emerged from listening with an open gut. Then give the pair another 5 minutes for the talker to respond and close out the conversation even if the problem isn’t solved…it’s a listening, not coaching exercise. Debrief the exercise by asking the talkers first if the questions differed and what was the impact. Then ask the listeners if they noticed a difference, and if one part of their nervous system was difficult to access.)
You can use this script with small groups, kids, yourself when you need a reminder that you are a whole person, not parts. Finding this connection will help you be open to yourself and others.
This podcast was edited using Descript, which is an amazing tool for editing social media video posts, podcasts, and youtube videos. Use this link to get started creating content like the ones you find on this channel: https://www.descript.com?lmref=W27kMg
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Hannah is not a licensed therapist so the advice on this podcast is not from a professional. Hannah is a student of Clinical Mental Health Counseling and is being supervised this year in an internship, but has not received her masters.
UR Covered Podcast is a production of Abundantly More Media
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