Hey guys, its me Hannah, I am currently writing this at Starbucks after I just finished writing my vows. I am two days away from getting married and so many memories are floating around in my head. I remember in high school sitting on the ground looking at wedding magazines with a friend of mine, dreaming about my special day. One day. A wedding is one day! A marriage is a lifetime. Maybe you are single, very single and you are looking forward to that day. You’re hoping that that one day will literally change your whole life. It really won’t. Only one thing changes on that one day. You have another person to grow with. The amazing thing is that you can grow individually now. You can change your life today. Hopefully my goodbye letter to Ms. Hannah will inspire you to live your best life now so that you can continue to do that when you find the ONE for that one day and beyond.
Dear Ms.,
Thank you fore spending time getting to know who you are.
Thank you for trying new things and keeping busy. Thank you for starting a blog when you knew no one would get it at first.
Thank you for taking a chance and living on your own just to try it out.
Thank you for getting plugged into a church even when you felt awkward sitting alone.
Thank you for taking a chance on dating and pushing through those awkward first dates because when the first date with your future husband came around you knew he was different.
Thank you for spending time getting a group of close close sister-like best friends. Those quality girl friends have been so so helpful for this next stage in life. Not letting guys get in the way of those friendships was the best thing you could have done.
Thank you for not compromising on your career, your dreams, your dating life and your goals.
Thank you for being willing to learn and jumping into grad school even when you knew you would be tight on time.
Thank you for investing in yourself AND others.
Thank you for having mentors and mentorees because this is how you grew as an individual.
So goodbye Ms. I will miss those lonely late night editing sessions and those random road trips just because, but now I have someone to join me on the journey. Life will be sightly different, but still the same. Because the wedding is just a day while a marriage is a lifetime.
xoxoxox Mrs.
Special thanks to my good friend Kieran who held the camera for me. You are the best!