Self Care Products I am Loving
- Amazon Bath Tray
- Essential Oil Heating Pad
- Organic Bath Bombs
- Spa Hair Wrap
- Spa Candles
- CBD cream from Equilibria
- Bamboo face mask from Ettitude
Sometimes it’s just good to know that what you’re juggling in your life right now is a lot. Sometimes you need to know why you’re feeling more tired and anxious right now. For me, I moved, was married, started a new radio feature, and had a ton of new job opportunities in the same year. I am now turning a corner on that year. In November my work place gave this assessment to their employees and I think it was so so helpful for me. I was able to take a time out. I tend to be really hard on myself and expect more than I can give. Others may not even be putting expectations on me, but I will pour on the expectations for myself. Do you do the same thing?
That’s why today I wanted to share my favorite self-care ideas PLUS a self care stress test. Now how this work, The first file is a pdf you can use to add up all the big stresses that may be happening in your life. Add those up and then the third pdf is a worksheet you can print out to have self care goals. Thirdly, this last pdf is the entire Figley Masters Transformation Process. It is so good! Stress can cause you to breath less, make your heart work twice as hard and give you less oxygen to your brain. It is important to take time to say no and have a day or a few minutes to yourself.
Again, I don’t know what you are going through or what life has thrown at you, but I hope in some small way this helps.
<3 HL