My First Trimester Update

My First Trimester Update
All photos on this post were taken by Pflederer Photography

How is Pregnancy so Far?

I found out I was expecting March 2nd and at that point I was four weeks along. I was writing my thesis, studying for my NCE exams, and trying to get in all of my clinical hours to graduate. I was so thankful that I wasn’t too tired but only had food aversions in the early weeks of the first trimester. I had a few days where I did throw up but we think this may have been a reaction to my prenatal vitamin or a stomach flu. All in all, I am very thankful that that was all I had in my first ten weeks.

The most surprising thing about being pregnant is how nice people are! I don’t know why I thought that this wouldn’t be the case, but I am pleasantly surprised. I am also surprised at how much I have appreciated my body and really embraced the bump. It can be such a weird and hard season for a woman and her relationship with her body, but I have truly loved this stage. I couldn’t wait until I started looking pregnant. This didn’t take long since I am short. There’s no place for baby to go but out.

After graduating from my master’s program I was 11 weeks pregnant and started throwing up each morning. It was only once a day, but it definitely wasn’t fun. I am so thankful that this stage only lasted until week 20. I was so tired!

Were You Planning For a Baby?

I always said I wanted to finish my master’s degree before having kids. It was something that John and I both agreed would be a smart decision financially as I will be able to work from home as a therapist over Telehealth. We didn’t know how long it would take so we started trying in December of 2022 knowing I only had one semester left. So yes, we were planning for baby Miller.

frist trimester

What Products Are Saving You During this Pregnancy?

My friend, Zoe, sent me a pregnancy pillow when I was around 16 weeks and I had no idea I needed it so bad. It really does help with sleeping and feeling comfortable. I am also loving Palmer’s cocoa butter for stretch marks. I am applying that stuff every night.

I am also loving my Sprocket Studio Plus Printer and my baby book for documenting my pregnancy. I know this is my first so I’ll be documenting this so much more, but I wanted something easy, simple and fun.

first trimester

What Are the Top Things on Your Baby Registry?

I had many of my friends edit my baby registry. If you have any tips, leave them in the comments because I have no idea what I am doing. Here’s what I have so far.

Hannah’s Baby Registry

I am pretty excited about the stroller I have listed below. I don’t want to keep buying strollers so I want one that will grow with my family. I am going to give Mockingbird a try.

first trimester

What’s Your Plan for Maternity Leave?

Being a therapist at a group practice is a lot more like an entrepreneur than I had thought. I don’t have paid time off and I am ok with it because this also means I don’t need permission to take time off for my family. I am planning on taking November off and seeing what the holidays look like. I will also be handling my business Abundantly More Media and have plans to make sure it is fully running for my clients during that month.

first trimester

Intro to the Second Trimester

I am so thankful that I am feeling much better at 21 weeks. I turned a corner when I was on vacation and it was perfect timing. The relief I have from nausea and food aversions is just so nice. I am able to cook again and I am putting my nursery together. I am also driving John nuts with house projects. Since summer is in full swing you will find me out at the pool somewhere enjoying a chill summer. I am so excited for this little girl of mine! And we are just praying for a healthy little one and so thankful for how my pregnancy has gone so far.

Special thank you to the best funcle out there, Adam Pfldederer, for the great maternity photos. Check out his photography at

Hannah Lynn Miller
Hannah Lynn Miller

Hannah is a radio/podcast host, blogger, and mental health therapist who loves Jesus and fashion. Her work revolves around betrayal trauma and the eldest daughter population.

Find me on: Web | Twitter/X | Instagram | Facebook

All photos on this post were taken by Pflederer Photography

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