You don’t have to change your mindset alone.
The Bible talks about changing your thoughts by taking each captive. In this episode we are going to go through ten mindset changes you can easily change today. Sometimes you have to throw out old mindsets and thought patterns — that’s what the Bible talks about in Ephesians 4:20-24, our devotional for this week. We are also going to cover a new website Goodwill just launched that may scratch your thrift itch. Hope you join me for this week’s episode.
Ephesians 4:20-24 NLT
In Ephesians 4, we learn that truth comes from having a relationship with Jesus. We don’t have to change our mindset on our own. Through what Christ did on the cross for us, we have the Holy Spirit working inside us to sanctify or renew our thoughts and attitudes.
“But that isn’t what you learned about Christ. Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.”
Ephesians 4:20-24 NLT
I love what a Moody Theological Seminary professor said about our faith journey. We live out our spiritual walk in this physical body. So what starts in our minds and our souls affects our physical bodies. Change your mindset and change your life.
“We do live out this spiritual walk in this physical body”
Dr. Thrasher
Although, our thoughts can be spiritual or our faith is something we cannot see, we still have to live and make decisions in a physical body. So sometimes this means walking away from a group of people you know.
You may need to abstain from something that is bad for you.
This might mean saying no to more things. Changing your mindset and your life may mean making time to journal. Get your thoughts onto something physical. This may mean thinking differently about your life circumstances. This is very practical. Change your thoughts, change your beliefs, and consequently, change your spiritual and physical life.
The Bible says to throw off your old ways. Start over. Fresh look. Fresh start.
Lean into the Holy Spirit in your life. Let the Spirit convict you of the lies you’ve been telling yourself. Fill your life with God’s Word. Lean into God my friend. The goal is to be righteous and holy. Set apart or whole, with a right relationship with God. It really does start with your thoughts.
New Way to Shop Online at GoodWill
For our fashion segment this week I wanted to let you know that Goodwill has a new online portal to help you find the thrift fashion your heart desires. I am a huge fan of thrift fashion. I use apps like Storey, Mercari, and Poshmark to do my online second-hand shopping. Now Goodwill has a new way for us to shop. It’s called Goodwill Finds. This new portal aligns with Goodwill’s mission statement, “Goodwill works to enhance people’s quality of life by strengthening their communities, eliminating their barriers to opportunity, and helping them reach their full potential through learning and the power of work.”
GoodWill always had an online option, however, the site was location specific and unreliable. This new site will be a national-run business and will help provide more jobs. I hope you get to check it out and that this is a better online thrift option.
For more information you can read this article by NPR: https://www.npr.org/2022/10/04/1126717995/goodwill-thrift-store-online
10 Ways to Change Your Mindset
- Accept yourself as an imperfect person and that’s ok. Belief that you can improve.
- Understand that you can only control what you do. Unfortunately, You cannot control how another person acts.
Irrational: “so and so MUST do this and that.”
Rational: “I would like so and so to do this, but she doesn’t have too.”
- If you feel like you don’t have worth unless you are productive, you may have workaholism tendencies. You can destructive beliefs that you are not worthy or not productive so that you do not overcompensate in your job or relationships.
- Emotions are not the actual experience it’s like a map – it guides you on an experienceThey show the progress or the journey, not the facts. Even when you have a rational belief you still have to have your emotive understanding. Shift over.
- Life is harder because of the demands and expectations we make about ourselves, others and the world. This causes emotional disturbances. Which causes bad behavior.
- Sometimes you have to change your expectations – It’s not a “must be this way”.
- Awfulizing – our minds go to the worst situation possible.
- People Rating is a very damaging practice. When a person in our life doesn’t do what we want we rate it as bad because they did not meet our demands.
- All people have good and bad qualities and all have the possibility of changing.
- If you struggle with co-dependence you are probably telling yourself, I am not strong enough so I have to rely on others. This is not true. God created you with a powerful mind and body, the physical parts of this world, AND a spiritual soul. You can change, create, and grow, and you are strong enough to handle what life gives you.
If you’d like mindset coaching you can always visit https://hannahlynnmiller.com/mindset-coaching/
As always Jesus got you. You are covered. HL
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