Is anyone out there!?
The hardest part of writing, creating, talking, painting, drawing, singing… is caring about what people think. I am nowhere perfect. I don’t think I am a perfectionist either. I would say I work hard, but not a perfectionist. I am hard on myself, but I have learned the difference. If I was a perfectionist I would get nothing done. That being said, it is still hard for me to take criticism or deal with negative comments. I don’t like feedback. I hate it actually. There I said it. That is my confession.
Did you know that by the time you finish school you will be handed back 300 assignments? 2 million of us have been assessed for college by taking tests like the SAT and ACT tests. An even more critical area of our culture is the 40 million people online looking for love. Whether this is categorized as looking for love in all the wrong places or not 71 percent of those people think they can judge love at first site. When we get to a job 90% of employers assess their employees yearly. That’s 825 million hours of work across the globe that is critiqued. No wonder I feel tired when someone gives me feedback! So the question is how do we keep writing, creating, talking, dancing, painting, singing?
A book I would recommend to anyone wanting to grow in their work, personal lives, or creative process is Thanks for the Feedback. This book will challenge you to think about how you view yourself, your abilities and how you view criticism. It has really helped me see that I used to think of myself as “fixed”, unable to change. What this looks like in the workplace is when someone offers advice I feel like I can’t. Not that I won’t or that I shouldn’t… but that I can’t improve or change and that is why that person is giving me advice. This mindset is deadly for personal growth. If you see yourself as always growing, changing and improving as time goes on you are eager for feedback. Crazy right!?
Keep growing, improving as you create! If you are like me and hate critiques don’t worry you are not alone.
I might keep writing about how to create without holding back so don’t forget to subscribe and I’ll have more advice next week! More confessions of a blogger….
Chicago Jewelry Designer: Allison Mooney Design
My ring today is created by Allison Mooney. You can find her amazing art right HERE . I met Allison at an art show and have not had the chance to tell her that I never take the ring she gave me off. Thank you! #gift
My outfit today is really simple. I love my hat and it brings me back to middle school. Vintage! Guys I love hats. Sigh. My purse is a vintage coach purse. I put a few links below where you can find used coach purses. Mine is like brand new. If you don’t know where to find great, quality designer products in your price range I would check out The Real Real . I linked a few awesome black tops below that has a twist to a basic top. You can also find my shorts there too. I am loving pink, black and this forest green color pallet. Thanks for stopping by guys! HAVE A FULL COLOR DAY!
Photos by Ian Evans